domenica 29 maggio 2011

Landscape - The castle (gypcg)

The castle (gypcg)
Image by: gypcg

martedì 24 maggio 2011

Cronus (el-grimlock)

Cronus (el-grimlock)
In Greek mythology, Cronus or Kronos (Ancient Greek: Κρόνος, Krónos) was the leader and the youngest of the first generation of Titans, divine descendants of Gaia, the earth, and Uranus, the sky. He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own sons, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon, and imprisoned in Tartarus.

Cronus was usually depicted with a sickle or scythe, which was also the weapon he used to castrate and depose Uranus, his father. In Athens, on the twelfth day of the Attic month of Hekatombaion, a festival called Kronia was held in honor of Cronus to celebrate the harvest, suggesting that, as a result of his association with the virtuous Golden Age, Cronus continued to preside as a patron of harvest. Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn. (more on wikipedia)

Image by: el-grimlock

domenica 22 maggio 2011

sabato 21 maggio 2011

sabato 14 maggio 2011

domenica 1 maggio 2011

Character - King of the Ash World (Dianae)

King of the Ash World (Dianae)

Image by: Dianae

Monster - Phoenix (genzoman)

Phoenix (genzoman)
One of the most beautiful phoenix ever drawn. Truly a piece of art! I could look at this forever.

Image by: genzoman
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